Thursday, January 06, 2005

Will 2005 really belong to SOA and Web Services?

I surely feel year 2005 will belong to SOA and Web Services, there are lot of signs that Web Services and SOA are going to drive this years IT industry's growth. To learn what exaclty is SOA read this, " Demystifying SOA: An Architect's, Dev Guide ".

I came across one more article today which was about the interview with Mr Marc Fleury, CEO of JBOSS Inc. This one on Web Services was posed to him

1) "IT is certainly abuzz over Web services and shops moving to a service-oriented architecture. How will JBoss climb aboard the bandwagon?"

Fleury: J2EE 1.4 certification was a Web service standard. To pass certification, we had to rewrite Axis, the open source implementation of the SOAP stack. A lot of the infrastructure for those Web services is present in the JBoss app server.

2) What are your customers saying about Web services?

Fleury: We follow Web services with interest and some detachment. We are technologists and open source people. We include features in products when customers want them badly. We don't sell licenses. We view Web services as a vendor push to differentiate. We see vendors talking about Web services, but we're not seeing customers talk about it. They ask for technology lower in the stack, because it's a great integration technology; expose business services as a WSDL [Web Services Description Language] and have a coarse grain of computing with Web services. It's not like our customers are saying we need WS-Orchestration right now. It's a wait-and-see attitude. If the market goes that way, we will too. Let Microsoft and IBM duke it out. We'll go with it.

For more on interview with CEO of Jboss Inc, click here " JBoss CEO: Web services a prime integration tool".

Here are few of the extracts the analyzed prediciton on SOA from some of the reputed firms like IBM, ZapThink, Gartner and

IDC. According to IBM, Web services and the SOA market, now just 3 percent of the IT services market, will grow to 17 percent by 2007—about $100 billion in client spending overall. That's not software or hardware—just services.

According to IDC, more than 80 percent of companies surveyed plan to have Web services projects under way by 2005. IDC predicts that the total value of the Web services market alone, including hardware and software as well as services, will grow to $21 billion by 2007.

As Web services and SOAs come into use more and more, Gartner predicts a dramatic drop in the cost of releasing and customizing applications. Today, for every $1 spent on a software license, it costs about $5 to $6 to implement the software.

By 2008, Gartner says, advances in Web services will drastically lower the installation costs of software applications to $2–$2.50 for every $1 spent on a license.

Finally, according to ZapThink, we're close to what they call "the tipping point" for Web services: the point when enough companies will have adopted at least some Web services that deployment and use will explode. "When that point passes,"

ZapThink predicts in a paper, "the world of distributed computing will never be the same."

I hope SOA and WebService grow according to the predictions. Some more interesting articles on what Web Services will offer.

Is this the end of IT as we know it?